Welcome to my GitHub Page!
Luca Steccanella
Computer Science Student
Tell Me More

What I do

My fields of study, and my technical capabilities


I love programming! I started a long time ago with Pascal. Now I am able to program with a variety of languages like C, C++, C#, Python, CUDA, Java, PHP, XAML, XML, HTML and SQL.

I am capable to use main IDE's and compilers and develop code for Desktop OSes (Windows and Linux) proficiently.

I can project a Software using the common used methods, to create UMLs of varous types and proficiently use various design patterns.

And I love to use git since I consider it very useful!


During my life I've always been intrested in optimizing and run computer system. Now I am able to use, set and optimize Windows and Linux OSes, I also have a little knowledge of Apple's MAC OS X. Of course I am able to use and eventually "mod" mobile OSes (Android, iOS, Windows).

Server side I am very capable with Windows Server and it's IIS, Linux Enterprise distros (like Ubuntu Server, Debian or RedHat), apache and nginx and configure them for any situation.

I am also very capable to select and configure the right hardware for every situation.


In those times is important to understand that security is an important matter in every field of Computer Science.

I am currently focusing my studies and experiments in those fields, and always do whatever I can to enforce security in every project I develop.

Mobile Developing

Given the extensive use of smartphone I couldn't left behind mobile programming!

Thanks to my programming knoweledge I am capable to develop Android and Windows UWP apps. In the future I will also focus in iOS.

IoT Developing

I am attracted by the idea to program microcontrollers, and so I'm also intrested in Internet of Things.

I have some experience in Microcontrollers programming, I worked with Microchip PIC, RaspBerry and Arduino.

I mainly use C or C++ to do this.

Cloud and Networking

In today's world more and more people are connected to the "Internet", so I am also very active in those fields;

As I stated in SysAdmin section I am capable to configure Servers and Networks.

Thanks to Microsoft I am beginning to study cloud services (like Azure), and everyday I learn new things on this field!


The best way to store some types of data and make them relyable and easily usable is using a DataBase.

I am able to project and implement DataBases and make them to communicate and work with client apps and websites (any platform).

WebSite Building

Websites are important!

I can build nice WebSites (like this), I can cover every passage; configuring the server or the hosting service, building website using common CMSs (like wordpress) or HTML+JS+CSS, configuring a CDN, improving security, performances and Search Engine Optimization.

Computer Forensics

Strongly connected to security matters, Computer Forensics is important to recover data or discover dangerous secrets.

Tanks to my univeristy I am beginning my studies in this field.

About Me

Short BIO and Curriculum Vitae

My name is Luca Steccanella, I was born in June 30, 1994 in Catania. Now I live in Acireale, Catania province, Sicily, Italy.

Since I was a child, thanks to my father, I've been attracted by computers, so I learned by myself how computers works, to fully optimize and administrate Windows and Linux OS, to manage and select hardware, programming, network and security foundamentals; and I always kept myself updated! Generally my passion helped me a lot during my life!

I studied at Liceo Scientifico-Informatico (an High School focused in Science and Computer Science) "Archimede" and I graduated in 2013.

Then I decided (plot twist!) to study Computer Science so I am currently studing it at University of Catania.

In December, 2015 I became Microsoft Student Partner, and currently sometimes I work as a freelancer.

In July 2017 i got my Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and now I am studing to take the Master of Science degree.

During current days I am continuosly working in expanding my knowledge, learning ad making new experiences!


Curriculum Vitae (IT)

Contact Me

Various web and contacts links

Chat & others

Telegram: @Steccas

Skype: my Skype name is lucastix94 you can also use luca.steccanella@live.it